Medium vs WordPress
So you are thinking of starting (or restarting) a blog (by the way, if you aren't blogging yet you should be). You’ve heard of popular blogging platforms like Medium, WordPress, and HubSpot CMS. Which blogging platform should you choose? In this article we pit two of the most popular blogging platforms against one another to reveal their pros and cons. Medium vs WordPress, which is the best choice for your blog, business, or nonprofit? The answer to this question will differ for each blogger, business owner, and leader. So we're sticking to facts in this comparison and breaking the whole thing down into six rounds: Ease of Use Branding Aesthetic Monetization Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Ownership But first, what is a "blogging platform" anyway? [text_with_frame id="368c1dbfefba91dceb946d322e0e86bc" content="‹¨›p‹˜›‹¨›em‹˜›If you find this article helpful consider giving it a share‹¯›nbsp;‹¨›/em‹˜›?‹¨›/p‹˜›" line_color="rgba(0,0,0,.07)" text_font="body" heading_font="heading" animation="none" animation_speed="2" animation_delay="0" __fw_editor_shortcodes_id="e6852c2dacc162bc8c34ba646905e841" _fw_coder="aggressive"][/text_with_frame] Blogging Platforms In short, a blogging platform is any online software or service that makes it easier for you, the blogger or business owner, to launch and maintain a blog. The best blogging platforms make publishing posts intuitive, reading posts pleasurable, and monetizing your brand possible. Both Medium and WordPress are pro blogging platforms. They're both helping people put their great content on the screen and deliver it to readers. Medium Medium is a relative newcomer to the blogging space. Evan Williams (former CEO of Twitter and founder of another popular blogging platform, Blogger) launched Medium in 2012. Originally, Medium was branded as a publishing platform for content longer than Twitter's then 140 character limit. Medium has grown up in the six short years since then to become a well known publishing platform with a…