I recently received six emails from Gabriella of Ceros over the course of one month in what is probably one of the best cold email campaigns I have seen.
Like most cold emails I ignored the first one. But then Gabi caught my attention. Finally, I just had to know what was up with her company’s platform so I scheduled a call.
And that is what cold emails are supposed to do.
Turns out about a quarter of recipients respond to Gabi’s email campaign. Nearly a quarter of those schedule a call to learn more.
How would you like those kind of returns on an email campaign? Who wouldn’t?
Well, after my call I scheduled a follow up with Gabi to learn more about her, her thought process, and how she crafted this excellent email campaign.
It is my hope that all of us can learn how to become a bit better at email marketing from Gabi’s creative work.
About Gabriella Muscente-Fishkind, Senior Sales Dev Rep at Ceros
Gabi credits much of her networking and marketing confidence to her time as the Event Producer for The Headstrong Project. Event planning taught her how to network at a high level, who to market to, and how to consistently deliver results.
At Ceros Gabi has the pleasure of combining her love for sales, business development, and marketing while leveraging the creative drive she honed in her time as an Event Producer.
Back to those emails: How important is email marketing to Ceros’ sales?
When I asked Gabi how important email marketing is to Ceros’ success she was practically speechless. Email marketing is key to their sales process.
As it is for most businesses.
According to HubSpot, 93% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content.
If you’re using email marketing at your company – especially cold or warm marketing emails – there is something for you to learn here. Seriously.
And if you aren’t using email… start.
Email marketing is Ceros’ bread and butter. You see, Ceros has launched a platform for creating interactive and experiential online content. They are better able to share their content via email than through some other marketing methods.
But Ceros quantifies their leads before adding them to their email marketing list!
Quantifying leads prior to an email campaign is important. Ceros, for example, looks at the size of the company, whether or not they have a digital presence, what their marketing team looks like, and more.
In addition to running Rystedt Creative, I (Joshua) serve as BELAY’s Web Specialist. Gabi reached out to me in hopes of connecting BELAY with Ceros.
Ceros knows that the companies they are emailing could use their platform and they know who to contact.
That makes all the difference in the world.
You could emulate the best aspects of Gabi’s email campaign with little success if you don’t quantify your leads.
What qualities should you look for in a lead or prospect before contacting them? Write a few down now so you don’t forget.
The First Four Emails: an Intentional Connection
In the first four emails I received from Gabi, she made an intentional connection between BELAY’s content and how other companies are successfully using Ceros’ platform.
Making such a connection is important because it is what matters to your recipients!
Notice that Gabi linked to the content she was referring to. Her team actually took the time to research her recipients’ current content. Doing the preliminary research takes time but will help increase your likelihood of making a genuine connection and reaching the right people.
Email One

Email Two

Email Three

Email Four

The Fifth Email: Breaking the Mold with Some Fun
Gabi’s fifth email included something a bit nontraditional – a poem!

Gabi had seen “a haiku for you” but it wasn’t relevant for Ceros. Worse, she didn’t even remember how to write a poem! Hey, let’s be honest, school was a long time ago, guys!
But to her keyboard she went!
Writing this was a bit tedious but she loved it! Gabi’s highest response rate is from this email.
This is when Gabi really caught my attention. Sure, I perused Ceros’ website prior to this email but she accomplished a few things here:
- She brought the conversation down to earth,
- She humanized herself, and
- Of course, she built value in the Ceros platform.
I wasn’t quite ready for a call yet but I already had better feelings about Gabi and the Ceros brand.
Email Six: A Bold Request
The next email was a real contrast to the poem and I think that is a huge part of its success.

Gabi dropped some big names and bribed me to follow up. She softened me up with that fun poem and then had this big bold email!
Why? It opens a door for another response.
And respond I did. I didn’t ask for any coffee but I just had to know more.
Now, if you’re going to bribe make sure you follow through! But for me, this was all about connecting and learning – I drink enough coffee.
Why It Worked
It turns out that I responded near the end of Gabi’s personalized cold email campaign. It tops out at about seven emails.
Gabi’s email campaign is a lot of things most aren’t:
- It puts the recipient, their business, and their content first,
- It clearly demonstrates the benefit of their product for the recipient,
- It gives real world examples of big brands using their product for similar content as the recipient,
- It’s fun, and
- It is bold and persistent.
You won’t be able to copy this email campaign exactly for your company (nor should you). But there is much to learn here.
Heck, I would like more of the cold emails I receive to be like this.
By the way, Ceros is working to change the digital experience for companies by creating experiential content.